Getting Started =============== Dependencies ~~~~~~~~~~~~ The required Python packages are defined under the ``requirements.txt``. Make sure to install those before using MiCADO client library. For reference, they are: .. code-block:: requests==2.24.0 ruamel.yaml==0.16.10 pycryptodome==3.9.8 python-novaclient==17.2.0 openstacksdk==0.48.0 ansible==2.10.0 Get the Library ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Currently, the library is available directly from github. Simply clone the respository and add the location to your PYTHONPATH .. code-block:: console $ MC_PATH="/usr/local/lib/micado-client" $ git clone $MC_PATH $ export PYTHONPATH="$PYTHONPATH:$MC_PATH" $ mkdir -p ~/.micado-cli $ touch ~/.micado-cli/credentials-cloud-api.yml Specify cloud credentials ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specify cloud credential for the MiCADO cluster creation. Please, edit ``~/.micado-cli/credentials-cloud-api.yml`` .. code-block:: yaml pre_authentication: - type: openid auth_data: &OPENID # Use this anchor for generating OpenID Connect access tokens (see nova) url: client_id: client_secret: refresh_token: resource: - type: cloudbroker auth_data: email: password: - type: nova auth_data: # Select your authentication method # v3.Password username: password: domain_name: # v3.ApplicationCredential application_credential_id: application_credential_secret: # v3.OidcAccessToken (access_token can instead be the literal token) identity_provider: access_token: *OPENID