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Install with Ansible

If you are familiar with Ansible and Ansible Playbooks, you are welcome to configure and run the Playbooks without the CLI. The steps below provide a rough outline to the required configurations.


This page is currently under development, and sections may be outdated or incorrect.


Perform the following steps either on your local machine or on MiCADO Control Plane depending on the installation method.

Step 1: Download the ansible playbook

curl --output ansible-micado.tar.gz -L
tar -zxvf ansible-micado.tar.gz

Step 2: Specify cloud credential for instantiating MiCADO workers.

MiCADO Control Plane will use the credentials against the cloud API to start/stop VM instances (MiCADO workers) to host the application and to realize scaling. Credentials here should belong to the same cloud as where MiCADO Control Plane is running. We recommend making a copy of our predefined template and edit it. MiCADO expects the credential in a file, called credentials-cloud-api.yml before deployment. Please, do not modify the structure of the template!

cd playbook/project/credentials
cp sample-credentials-cloud-api.yml credentials-cloud-api.yml
edit credentials-cloud-api.yml

Edit credentials-cloud-api.yml to add cloud credentials. You will find predefined sections in the template for each cloud interface type MiCADO supports. It is recommended to fill only the section belonging to your target cloud.

NOTE If you are using Google Cloud, you must replace or fill the credentials-gce.json with your downloaded service account key file.

It is possible to modify cloud credentials after MiCADO has been deployed,
see the section titled Update Cloud Credentials further down this page

Optional: Added security

Credentials are stored in Kubernetes Secrets on the MiCADO Control Plane. If you wish to keep the credential data in an secure format on the Ansible Remote as well, you can use the Ansible Vault mechanism to to achieve this. Simply create the above file using Vault with the following command

ansible-vault create credentials-cloud-api.yml

This will launch the editor defined in the $EDITOR environment variable to make changes to the file. If you wish to make any changes to the previously encrypted file, you can use the command

ansible-vault edit credentials-cloud-api.yml

Be sure to see the note about deploying a playbook with vault encrypted files in Step 7.

Step 3a: Specify security settings and credentials to access MiCADO

MiCADO Control Plane will use these security-related settings and credentials to authenticate its users for accessing the REST API and Dashboard.

cp sample-credentials-micado.yml credentials-micado.yml
edit credentials-micado.yml
Specify the provisioning method for the x509 keypair used for TLS encryption of the management interface in the tls subtree:
  • The self-signed option generates a new keypair with the specified hostname as the subject / CN ('micado-master' by default, but configurable in micado-master.yml).

    Two Subject Alternative Name (SAN) entries are also added by the configuration file at roles/micado_master/start/templates/zorp/san.cnf:

    • DNS: specified hostname
    • IP: specified IP

    The generated certificate file is located at: /var/lib/micado/zorp/config/ssl.pem

  • The user-supplied option lets the user add the keypair as plain multiline strings (in unencrypted format) in the ansible_user_data.yml file under the 'cert' and 'key' subkeys respectively.

    Specify the default username and password for the administrative user in the authentication subtree.

Optionally you may use the Ansible Vault mechanism as described in Step 2 to protect the confidentiality and integrity of this file as well.

Step 3b: (Optional) Specify credentials to use private Docker registries

Set the Docker login credentials of your private Docker registry in which your private containers are stored. We recommend making a copy of our predefined template and edit it. MiCADO expects the docker registry credentials in a file, called credentials-docker-registry.yml. Please, do not modify the structure of the template!

cp sample-credentials-registries.yml credentials-registries.yml
edit credentials-registries.yml

Edit the file according to the K3s documentation

Optionally you may use the Ansible Vault mechanism as described in Step 2 to protect the confidentiality and integrity of this file as well.

Step 4: Launch an empty cloud VM instance for MiCADO Control Plane

This new VM will host the MiCADO core services.

a) Default port number for MiCADO service is 443. Optionally, you can modify the port number stored by the variable called web_listening_port defined in the ansible config file called project/host_vars/micado.yml.

b) Configure a cloud firewall settings which opens the following ports on the MiCADO Control Plane virtual machine:

Protocol Port(s) Service
TCP 443* web listening port
TCP 6443 kube-apiserver
TCP 10250 metrics
UDP 51820 wireguard (Pod-Pod)

NOTE: web listening port should match with the actual value specified in Step 4a.

c) Finally, launch the virtual machine with the proper settings (capacity, ssh keys, firewall): use any of aws, ec2, nova, etc command-line tools or web interface of your target cloud to launch a new VM. We recommend a VM with 2 cores, 4GB RAM, 20GB disk. Make sure you can ssh to it (password-free i.e. ssh public key is deployed) and your user is able to sudo (to install MiCADO as root). Store its IP address which will be referred as IP in the following steps.

Step 5: Customize the inventory file for the MiCADO Control Plane

We recommend making a copy of our predefined template and edit it. Use the template inventory file, called sample-hosts.yml for customisation.

cd playbook/inventory
cp sample-hosts.yml hosts.yml
edit hosts.yml

Edit the hosts.yml file to set the variables. The following parameters under the key micado-target can be updated:

  • ansible_host: specifies the publicly reachable ip address of the target machine where you intend to build/deploy a MiCADO Control Plane or build a MiCADO Worker. Set the public or floating IP of the master regardless the deployment method is remote or local. The ip specified here is used by the Dashboard for webpage redirection as well
  • ansible_connection: specifies how the target host can be reached. Use "ssh" for remote or "local" for local installation. In case of remote installation, make sure you can authenticate yourself against MiCADO Control Plane. We recommend to deploy your public ssh key on MiCADO Control Plane before starting the deployment
  • ansible_user: specifies the name of your sudoer account, defaults to "ubuntu"
  • ansible_become: specifies if account change is needed to become root, defaults to "True"
  • ansible_become_method: specifies which command to use to become superuser, defaults to "sudo"
  • ansible_python_interpreter: specifies the interpreter to be used for ansible on the target host, defaults to "/usr/bin/python3"

Please, revise all the parameters, however in most cases the default values are correct.

Step 6: Customize the deployment

A few parameters in project/host_vars/micado.yml can be fine tuned before deployment. They are as follows:

  • enable_optimizer: Setting this parameter to True enables the deployment of the Optimizer module, to perform more advanced scaling. Default is True.

  • disable_worker_updates: Setting this parameter to False enables periodic software updates of the worker nodes. Default is True.

  • grafana_admin_pwd: The string defined here will be the password for Grafana administrator.

  • web_listening_port: Port number of the dasboard on MiCADO Control Plane. Default is 443.

  • web_session_timeout: Timeout value in seconds for the Dashboard. Default is 600.

  • enable_occopus: Install and enable Occopus for cloud orchestration. Default is True.

  • enable_terraform: Install and enable Terraform for cloud orchestration. Default is False.

Note. MiCADO supports running both Occopus & Terraform on the same Master, if desired

Step 7: Start the installation of MiCADO Control Plane

Run the following command to build and initalise a MiCADO Control Plane node on the empty VM you launched in Step 4 and pointed to in hosts.yml Step 5.

cd playbook/
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml project/micado.yml

If you have used Vault to encrypt your credentials, you have to add the path to your vault credentials to the command line as described in the Ansible Vault documentation or provide it via command line using the command

cd playbook/
ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml project/micado.yml --ask-vault-pass

Optional: Build & Start Roles

Optionally, you can split the deployment of your MiCADO Control Plane in two. The build tags prepare the node will all the necessary dependencies, libraries and images necessary for operation. The start tags intialise the cluster and all the MiCADO core components.

You can clone the drive of a "built" MiCADO Control Plane (or otherwise make an image from it) to be reused again and again. This will greatly speed up the deployment of future instances of MiCADO.

Running the following command will build a MiCADO Control Plane node on an empty Ubuntu VM.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml project/micado.yml --tags build
You can then run the following command to start any "built" MiCADO Control Plane node which will initialise and launch the core components for operation.

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml project/micado.yml --tags start

Advanced: Cloud specific fixes

Certain cloud service providers may provide Virtual Machine images that are incompatible with the normal MiCADO installation. Where possible, we have included automated fixes for these, which can be applied using the --tags syntax of Ansible. See below for details:


At the time of writing, the CloudSigma Ubuntu 20.04 virtual machine disk images are improperly configured, and SSL errors may appear during installation of MiCADO. A special task has been added to MiCADO to automate the fix when installing on CloudSigma instances.

Simply use the following command instead of the command provided above. Notice the added tags

ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts.yml project/micado.yml --tags all,cloudsigma